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A closed loop for paper sacks

REPASACK stands for REcycling PAper SACK. We organise take-back and recycling both for manufacturers and fillers, as well as for consumers, i.e. the waste generation points for kraft paper sacks.

REPASACK for manufacturers, traders and fillers

Peace of mind for manufacturers, traders and fillers who regularly place paper sacks on the market: the take-back system from Interzero Repasack. Our REPASACK symbol documents the fact that the disposal, cleaning and recycling of the paper sacks is compliant with packaging legislation. This system offers participating manufacturers and fillers an efficient way to comply with legal obligations to conserve resources by take-back and recycling. After collection, the used paper sacks are sorted by product use and then processed in our in-house recycling plant. This generates a valuable secondary raw material that can be reused within the paper industry. Request your quote for the return of used kraft paper bags here.

REPASACK for end consumers

Cement, flour, plastic pellets, etc. – many industries need to dispose of used paper sacks. Interzero organises their take-back and recycling: end consumers can deliver their empty REPASACK paper sacks free of charge to one of our 350 depots and collection points located throughout Germany. For further details, please see the downloadable documents at the bottom of the page. 

See here why the paper sack is the most sustainable choice for your dry bulk goods (Source: GemPSI/video in German)

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Hazardous substance or pollutant? No problem!

For paper sacks used to transport products classified as pollutants, we offer the REPASACK-G-system (“G” for Gefahrstoff = hazardous substance). Here too, we offer free-of-charge take-back for paper sacks at sites throughout Germany. Our Interzero Repsack service starts at the point where paper sacks are emptied, i.e. at the customers of manufacturers and fillers. 

Your benefits at a glance

  • Exemplary

    With over 30 years of experience, Interzero Repasack is the market leader in the take-back of used paper sacks.

  • High-quality

    Interzero Repasack is all about quality, offering rock-solid reliability for take-back and recycling.

  • Resource-saving

    Interzero Repasack stands for sustainability. Everyone who uses the system makes an active contribution to environmental protection and the conservation of resources.

Our expert for Kraft paper sacks/ REPASACK
Sven Korsten
Sven Korsten

Managing Director, Interzero Repasack GmbH

Contact us
For our data protection notice click here.

Packaging containers


Product residues


Waste management

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Trusting partners of Interzero

Burger King
Sopor Bauchemie

Specialising on innovations – Interzero plant technology

Lightweight packaging, polystyrene or kraft paper recycling