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Returnable transport packaging: pooling to suit your needs 

The pooling of returnable transport packaging is a key strategy for success for companies as it avoids waste, conserves resources and increases the efficiency of the logistics chain

From baked goods and meats to pharmaceutical and automotive products: Interzero develops, implements and manages individual solutions for the pooling of returnable transport packaging. Our services can handle any category of merchandise and are especially suitable for fragile products or goods that are difficult to handle such as foodstuffs. 

Optimising environmental performance and the supply chain

Our reusable plastic container (RPC) conserves energy and resources, saves on packaging material and avoids waste. Our pooling solutions also increase the efficiency of logistics flows, reduce per-unit and per-kilometre costs, and enable transparent tracking for every piece of RPC.

Record, inspect and clean

Interzero manages a life cycle that sets standards: in our inspection and cleaning depots, we record and identify each and every in- and outbound piece of RPC. We inspect, clean and dry all folding crates and containers according to high standards for hygiene and inspection. We use modern laser and camera technology to identify potential defects, repairing or recycling packaging as required.

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Your benefits at a glance

  • Sustainable

    We apply stringent environmental standards, using plastics made from innovative recycled materials to systematically close the resource loop.

  • Service-oriented

    We use our online portal to handle your order. Each posting is immediately visible: quickly, simply and around the clock.

  • Transparent

    We ensure that all receptacles – i.e. folding crates and containers – can be tracked individually to enable the effective monitoring and optimisation of total stocks and stock on hand.

  • High-performance

    We manage, plan and operate pooling systems in real time. We maximise efficiency, e.g. by minimising the items of transit equipment in use at any one time.

  • Cost-effective

    We scrutinise the typical cost drivers of administration, logistics and packaging to see where processes can be optimised to reduce costs.

  • Individual

    We develop solutions tailored precisely to your needs – including transit packaging that is a perfect match for your type of merchandise and your supply chain.

Our expert for Returnable transport packaging
Matthias Urban
Matthias Urban

Head of Customer Service | Interzero Deposit Solutions GmbH

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One-way deposit


Reverse logistics

Frequent questions of our customers

Trusting partners of Interzero

Burger King
Sopor Bauchemie

Specialising on innovations – Interzero plant technology

Lightweight packaging, polystyrene or kraft paper recycling