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Dual system with added value

360° recycling for materials with its sustainability portfolio, the Interzero Recycling Alliance goes far beyond mere licensing for packaging.

How can packaging waste be usefully recycled and how can raw material loops be permanently closed? How can packaging recycling be structured so that it benefits both the environment and the economy? Interzero Recycling Alliance is taking a shared, innovative and transparent approach to tackling these challenges.

Clear benefits for manufacturing and retail customers: Beyond the simple licensing of packaging, the Interzero dual system is a one-stop shop for managing the recyclable loop: from recycling-friendly packaging design to high-quality recycled materials for sustainable production. 

As a  partner you have the chance to help shape the circular economy of the future. Want to know more? Please ccontact us to arrange a personal appointment.


Frank Kurrat

Managing Director Interzero Recycling Alliance
"What counts is the things we achieve – in a strong partnership alliance with our customers."

Saving raw materials, closing loops

Because natural resources are limited, the efficient utilisation and reuse of materials is essential. This is where the Interzero Recycling Alliance dual system comes in, providing innovative recycling solutions and services that aim to conserve raw materials and promote the circular economy. By providing high-quality recyclates, we enable companies to reduce their dependence on primary raw materials while minimising their environmental impact. Our dual system ensures that recyclable materials are not only disposed of, but also fed back into the cycle to make new products. In this way, we work together to help close raw material cycles and secure a sustainable future.

Our services

Packaging licensing

Interzero Recycling Alliance offers reliable and legally compliant packaging licensing for companies of all sizes. With transparent calculation of the costs for the packaging licence, professional advice and individual solutions, we support you in fulfilling your extended producer responsibility obligations and making a contribution to a sustainable circular economy.

Packaging analysis

The packaging analysis provides a scientifically sound assessment of the recyclability of your packaging. The analysis provides information about the current status of your packaging and identifies potential for optimisation. We document your results in a transparent and understandable way with a detailed report and an official certificate. With the official "Made for Recycling Interzero" seal on your packaging, you can communicate your commitment to a sustainable future to the public.

Packaging optimisation

Packaging optimisation focuses on improving the recyclability of your packaging. In addition, the quality of the recycled material is carefully checked: The aim is to produce high-quality recyclates that can be used as a substitute for primary material. Our experts analyse your packaging samples according to standardised criteria and work with you to develop sustainable packaging solutions that meet the specific requirements of the relevant markets.

Advice on the use of recyclates

Our experienced team is on hand to help you switch to recycled materials: Europe's leading competence centre for plastics recycling has extensive expertise in the development and application of high-quality recompounds. As a partner of Interzero Recycling Alliance, you have direct access to post-consumer plastics.

Our key advantages for you

  • Full range of collection and disposal services

  • Europe-wide compliance with packaging licensing laws

  • Access to high-quality recycled materials

  • Expert advice on packaging optimisation and use of recyclates

  • Marketing campaigns and sustainability communications

The dual system at a glance

In Germany, the Packaging Act regulates the proper disposal and recycling of sales packaging. Manufacturers and distributors are legally obliged to licence their packaging via a dual system. 

A dual system is a privately organised disposal system that has been established in Germany for the collection and recycling of used sales packaging. Waste is separated via household-based collection systems such as the yellow bin and the yellow sack, in which lightweight packaging is collected separately from other waste. The system operators are responsible for collecting, sorting and recycling the packaging waste.

Manufacturers and distributors are responsible for the disposal of their packaging, also known as product responsibility. This obligation was first laid down in the Packaging Ordinance and later clarified by the Packaging Act (VerpackG).

The legal requirements serve the purpose of reducing the environmental impact of packaging waste and increasing recycling capacities. In this way, companies are incentivised to use more environmentally friendly packaging materials and ensure that waste is recycled efficiently and in an environmentally friendly manner.

Interzero Recycling Alliance in figures

Over 30 years of experience in packaging recycling and closing material loops. Successful operation of a dual system for more than 15 years
100 percent customer focus.

How can the circular economy be strengthened by the dual system?

The dual system plays a central role in promoting the circular economy in Germany. It helps to conserve resources by enabling the reuse of materials and reducing the consumption of primary raw materials. By closing loops, environmental impacts can be minimised and sustainability improved.

A successful circular economy requires the cooperation of all stakeholders - from producers and recyclers to consumers. Through innovative approaches and the continuous improvement of recycling technologies, the dual system can make an important contribution to sustainable development.


Packaging licensing

Reliable, compliant and convenient

Reliable, compliant and convenient

» Find out more here

Sustainable packaging

The packaging of the future is ‘Made for Recycling Interzero’

The packaging of the future is ‘Made for Recycling Interzero’

» Find out more here

Using recyclates

Closing plastics loops

Closing plastics loops

» Find out more here

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