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Packaging optimisation with Interzero: Sustainable, future-orientated and market-oriented

For a sustainable and climate-friendly circular economy, it is becoming increasingly important to develop recyclable packaging and avoid non-recyclable waste. The EU packaging regulation PPWR focusses on retailers, brand and packaging manufacturers. In order to meet the requirements, sustainable packaging optimisation is becoming a decisive factor for responsible companies. With "Made for RecyclingI Interzero" you are on the safe side: As part of this range of services, we carry out a laboratory analysis to assess how recyclable your packaging is. Our test method is recognised worldwide as the standard for recyclable packaging.

The "Made for Recycling" recycling seal stands for innovative and highly recyclable packaging. By integrating the seal into your packaging design, you signal your commitment to a sustainable circular economy and communicate this effectively. Show your customers how progressive and environmentally conscious your company is and improve your public perception.

Benefit from the advice of our experts. We will be happy to assist you with packaging optimisation and development as well as the implementation of your sustainability goals.

Would you like to deepen or refresh your company's packaging expertise? Our seminars offer the ideal opportunity to do so.

Optimise packaging now

Advantages of packaging optimisation with Interzero

Packaging optimisation with Interzero Recycling Alliance offers numerous advantages for companies that are committed to sustainable, future-oriented packaging design and at the same time want to remain competitive under the given legal requirements.

Our packaging analysis provides you with information on the current status of the recyclability of your packaging and formulates recommendations for optimisation. The well-founded results provide you with a reliable basis.

By optimising your packaging, you actively contribute to resource and climate protection. Innovative packaging solutions enable complete raw material cycles and pave the way for a zero-waste society.

The "Made for Recycling Interzero" seal acts as a strong signal in external communication. Companies that carry this seal on their packaging demonstrate their commitment to sustainably optimised packaging. With a corresponding result in the packaging analysis, you can secure this confidence-building element for your PR. You can use the seal on packaging materials, websites, in online and print media and all other advertising materials at no additional cost.

With many years of experience in recycling and materials science and as a dual system, we combine highly specialised knowledge. Benefit from comprehensive advice from our experts, who are on hand to answer all your questions about packaging optimisation. We have the necessary know-how for international markets and are always up to date in terms of research and packaging development.

Take advantage of the benefits of packaging optimization with Interzero now and secure a sustainable and market-oriented positioning for your company.



"We have had our entire range assessed and certified by Interzero. New packaging solutions are tested by the 'Made for Recycling' team. The close cooperation is a great added value for us, which we appreciate very much."

Dennis Lange Head of Marketing at Bio-Zentrale

Packaging analysis in our laboratory

How recyclable is your packaging? The "Made for Recycling" test method from Interzero answers this question on a scientific basis. The assessment method was developed together with the bifa environmental institute. Every packaging is analysed in our competence centre for recycled plastics. Our experts analyse your packaging samples according to standardised criteria, provide you with comprehensive advice and work with you to develop sustainable and practical solutions for packaging optimisation.

After successfully completing this process, your packaging will be assessed on a scale with a maximum of 20 scoring points. You will receive the "Made for Recycling Interzero" seal if you achieve at least 18 points, which means that your packaging is categorised as having good to very good recyclability. If there is still room for improvement in the recyclability of your packaging, we will be happy to help you optimise your packaging.


"As a global company, it is important for us to have confidence in the assessment of recyclability. With 'Made for Recycling' and the associated laboratory analysis, we know we can rely on the results and make ourselves less vulnerable."

Carolin Weber Head of Communications & Corporate Affairs DACH at Unilever

Packaging development

Our vision is to work with you to develop the packaging of tomorrow. As your reliable partner, we offer you direct access to pioneering solutions and the latest trends with the aim of optimised packaging that meets the highest ecological standards while remaining functional. Our deep connection to the packaging industry and our combined innovative strength flow directly into the development of your sustainable packaging solution. For a clean business. For a clean future. Let us advise you now!

Packaging optimisation in an international context

For international packaging optimisation, we carry out laboratory analyses to assess recyclability in the most important global markets. This involves analysing the collection, sorting and recycling infrastructure in the individual countries. We take all legal requirements into account:

  • VerpackG and the German minimum standard of the ZSVR
  • EU packaging regulation PPWR
  • Requirements of European and global markets
  • Recyclable content in accordance with DIN EN 13430

So you can be sure to fulfil all requirements. Book your international packaging analysis now!

Eco-Fee Modulation

The planned eco-fee modulation of licence fees is a graduated scale of charges for packaging waste that varies depending on the sustainability of the packaging design. The more environmentally friendly the packaging, the lower the costs. To this end, Europe-wide guidelines and benchmarks are to be developed in order to avoid obstacles to internal European trade and promote environmentally friendly practices. With Interzero you can keep track of the eco-fee and any changes.

"Eco-modulation round table"

Companies from the entire packaging value chain in Germany pooled their expertise at the round table and drew up recommendations for the development of European guidelines.

The decisive criterion for modulating the eco-fee is the recyclability of packaging. Fees in the sense of extended producer responsibility should be staggered in such a way that financial incentives are created for recycling-friendly packaging design. Long-term goals such as the use of recyclates should be pursued and combined with quota solutions and CO2 pricing of fossil primary raw materials.

Our service for eco-fee modulation

Although the aim of eco-modulation is to achieve a standardised regulation for Europe, the place where packaging is placed on the market is still relevant. In some countries, the eco-fee is already being implemented as a financial incentive. We take into account current developments with regard to country-specific packaging optimisation and packaging licensing in the EU. Our experts are available to answer your questions on eco-fee modulation and its implementation and explain what impact the eco-fee could have on your company.


Using recyclates

For sustainable production

For sustainable production

» Find out more here

Packaging licensing

Reliable, compliant and convenient

Reliable, compliant and convenient

» Find out more here

Plastics recycling redefined

Interzero stands for innovative solutions

Interzero stands for innovative solutions

» Find out more here

Workshops and seminars

Proactively implemented, packaging optimisation not only helps to meet legal requirements, but also has a positive impact on the environmental footprint and positions the company as a pioneer in terms of sustainability and environmental awareness - an important aspect for today's generation of consumers.

Well-founded and validated knowledge of recyclable packaging plays a key role in companies. It not only enables the effective design and optimisation of sustainable packaging solutions, but also helps to minimise costs, reduce environmental impact and ultimately strengthen competitiveness. Companies that have an in-depth understanding of packaging processes and materials are able to make the right decisions and meet the ever-increasing demands of the market.

Optimised packaging requires well thought-out planning. In our seminars, we provide you with all the knowledge you need for a successful packaging strategy. Become a pioneer in recyclability and let's find solutions together!


Packaging assessment

Globally recognised assessment standard for circular packaging