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Packaging analysis with Interzero

Globally recognised assessment standard for circular packaging

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The recyclability of your packaging is analysed during the packaging analysis. The initial purpose of the analysis is to assess the current condition of the packaging and identify potential for improvement. The aim is to design the packaging in such a way that it fulfils the legal requirements of the target markets and at the same time is optimally recyclable. Based on the laboratory analysis, manufacturers can take specific measures to make their packaging more environmentally friendly and meet the requirements of different countries. Finally, improving recyclability helps to increase the environmental sustainability of packaging and reduce the environmental impact.

Our assessment methodology is based on the German minimum standard of the Central Agency Packaging Register and the assessment catalogue of the bifa Umweltinstitut.

If your packaging is categorised as good or very good for recycling after the packaging analysis, you as a manufacturer can integrate our recycling seal into your packaging design. The Interzero "Made for Recycling Interzero" seal is a registered trade mark in the EU. We customise our approach to your specific needs and place of marketing: You have the option to choose between the international packaging analysis and the analysis for the DACH region. The global packaging analysis includes 16 European countries as well as the USA, Australia, China, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Our experts are available to provide you with packaging advice and will take the time to plan and implement the next steps with you.

Book your assessment here:

icon-world-cyanicon-world-whiteGlobal analysis

Evaluating recyclability for the following countries:


icon-eur-cyanicon-eur-whiteAnalysis for Europe

Evaluating recyclability for the following countries:


csm_icon-DACH-cyan_fa7f76e990csm_icon-DACH-white_f10931d8d1Analysis DACH region

Evaluating recyclability for the following countries:


What advantages does packaging analysis offer?

Packaging analysis offers numerous advantages for companies that are committed to sustainable and efficient packaging solutions. Real-life conditions are simulated in our laboratory in order to reliably test the recyclability of your packaging and to be able to carry out packaging optimisation to the highest standards. The laboratory analysis identifies potential for improved recyclability and provides you with valuable insights to help you take the right steps to optimise your packaging for the future.

What we offer

  • Recyclability assessment

  • Reporting & Recommendation for action

  • Certificate of recyclability

  • Laboratory analysis

  • Made for recycling-seal

  • Straightforward processing

Our comprehensive analysis results are clearly summarised in a detailed report. This provides you with important data at a glance to help you make informed decisions. During the packaging consultation, we offer targeted recommendations for action in order to fully utilise the potential of the packaging and further improve its recyclability. With our internationally recognised certificate, you receive official confirmation of your results. The "Made for Recycling Interzero" seal informs your customers, retailers and consumers about the recyclability of your packaging and emphasises your commitment to environmental protection.

The legal regulations regarding the recycling and environmental compatibility of packaging are subject to constant change, as environmental protection and the achievement of climate targets are increasingly taking centre stage. New developments such as the introduction of eco-fee modulation and PPWR in Europe illustrate this trend. In addition, packaging licensing requirements vary depending on where products are placed on the market. Our analysis provides you with clarity on the country-specific requirements. For companies that export their products abroad, we offer a comprehensive international packaging analysis. This ensures that the packaging complies with the specific laws in the most important sales markets. This allows you to sell your product without any concerns, as you are complying with the environmental standards of the respective countries.

Our key advantages for you:

  • Independent scientific evaluation methodology

    We operate Europe’s largest and most advanced laboratory for analysing and developing post-consumer plastics. At our lab, we assess the recyclability of your plastic packaging under real-world conditions.

  • Certified recyclability

    You are issued with an internationally recognised certificate that officially confirms your results to retailers and consumers.

  • Comprehensive report

    The results of the analysis are summarised in an easy-to-understand full report. If optimisation is required, specific recommendations for action are included.

  • Recognised ‘Made for Recycling Interzero’ quality seal

    Make the recyclability of your packaging visible to consumers. Packaging that achieves a score of at least 18 points on our 20-point assessment scale (‘Good’ or ‘Very Good’ rating) may use the mark at no extra cost.

  • International packaging assessment

    Exporting companies benefit from an independent assessment of recyclability in their key global target markets based on our examination of the actual sortability and recyclability in the individual countries.

  • Science-based PPC expertise

    We analyse paper packaging in cooperation with the Institute of Paper Technology (IVP) using the PTS method (PTS-RH 021/2012).

Criteria for the assessment of recyclability

In our packaging analysis, we can examine all types of packaging, i.e. plastic, cardboard and paper, tinplate, aluminium, glass and combination packaging. The process is very straightforward:

1. you send us the sample packaging. As a rule, we do not need any specifications.

2. we analyse the packaging in the laboratory. This takes approx. 4 weeks.

3. you receive the result of the recyclability test in a detailed report and the certificate.

4. if the results are good or very good, you have the option of using the "Made for Recycling Interzero" seal.

Strong message for environmentally conscious consumers

Packaging bearing the ‘Made for Recycling Interzero’ seal has good or very good recyclability.

Impress your customers with a selling point for sustainability! ‘Made for Recycling’ is a science-based standard for analysing the recyclability of packaging that is recognised both in Germany and internationally. Packaging is assessed on the materials used, as well as the ease of material sorting and the type of disposal needed. Packaging that receives more than 18 of 20 possible points based on this assessment method is permitted to bear the ‘Made for Recycling Interzero’ quality seal.

The three evaluation levels of the packaging analysis

The first step is to analyse how well the packaging can be assigned to the intended collection system (yellow bag or blue bin). At the second level of the packaging analysis, the sortability is assessed, in particular whether the packaging can be identified and sorted together with other packaging after collection. 

Assuming that the packaging has been sorted into the sorting fraction intended for the target material, the yield and quality of the secondary material obtained from the packaging is finally assessed at the third level. The decisive criteria for this phase of the packaging analysis are unwanted entries into the secondary product and the proportion of separable and non-recyclable packaging components.

"We cannot do without the packaging for our coffee. But we can ensure that the materials are returned to the recycling loop in the best possible way. We have chosen Interzero with the Made for Recycling concept. The short analysis time as well as the support in optimisation are of particular importance for the development of our packaging innovations. In order to meet the high demands, we have extensively converted our packaging machines for processing the environmentally friendly film, carried out many test series and scrutinised all processes, materials and machines. The effort was worth it, our films passed the test and are allowed to carry the seal."

Gunnar Willipinski Head of Marketing at Azul Kaffee GmbH & Co. KG

Closing recycling loops together

Working closely with our customers, we are committed to a zero waste future by closing material cycles, improving the recyclability of packaging and developing innovative concepts for a sustainable supply of raw materials. We have already completed successful projects with Ritter Sport, Aldi Süd, Aldi Nord, Grünländer and other satisfied customers.

Trusting partners of Made for Recycling

bio Zentrale
Our expert for Packaging optimization
Julian Thielen
Julian Thielen

Head of "Made for Recycling"

Contact us
For our data protection notice click here.

Frequent questions of our customers

  • Is the assessment of recyclability only valid for Germany?

    Our assessment of recyclability refers to the infrastructure in Germany. Each country has different collection, sorting and recycling systems. If you would also like information on recyclability in other countries, you can select the packaging analysis Global or Europe.

    The "Made for Recycling" seal can be used internationally.

  • Which countries are covered by the international packaging assessments?

    Our European packaging assessment examines the recyclability of your packaging for the following countries: Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, Netherlands, UK, Poland, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Portugal and Slovenia

    In our global packaging assessment, we also examine recyclability for the following countries: USA, Australia, China, Hong Kong, Singapore

  • What kinds of packaging are the easiest to optimise for sustainability?

    Quick, highly visible effects are particularly easy to achieve with ‘flagship products’ and top-selling items. Other candidates suitable for being optimised for sustainability include packaging used for ‘green’ products in particular and packaging for products that are to be relaunched.

  • What requirements have to be fulfilled by ‘recyclable’ packaging?

    The assessment of the recyclability of packaging required to participate in the system pursuant to Section 21 (3) VerpackG is based on the minimum standard of the Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister, which is revised and republished annually. (current version: August 30, 2019)

  • What is meant by combination packaging?

    Combination packaging is multi-part sales packaging consisting of an outer and one or more inner packagings made of different materials that are normally separated during use or consumption (e.g. a cream jar in a folding box or a frozen pizza box with film around the pizza).

  • Does the use of separation instructions improve the assessment of recyclability?

    We take this into account in assessment level 1 "Collection". As soon as a packaging material consists of plastic and paper and the portion of e.g. paper is greater than 20% of total mass, a separation note should be printed on the packaging. If this is the case, the packaging receives a better evaluation than a comparable packaging without a note. Separation labels on packaging which can be easily assigned to a collection system is clear by consumers  do not result in a better rating.

  • What is the difference between recyclability and eco-design?


Designing sustainable packaging: know-how from the experts

Designing sustainable packaging: know-how from the experts

» Find out more here

Interzero ‘Made for Recycling’ seal

Strong message for environmentally conscious consumers

Strong message for environmentally conscious consumers

» Find out more here

Research and development

Competence centre for recycled plastics

Competence centre for recycled plastics

» Find out more here