Optimising packaging for sustainability
We offer Bio-Zentrale Naturprodukte GmbH a range of services to help them design packaging for environmentally-friendly recycling.
In its quest to optimise its packaging, Bio-Zentrale Naturprodukte GmbH has made use of the ‘Made for Recycling’ portfolio of services offered by Interzero Recycling Alliance. The new German Packaging Act has also been another factor here, since the new Act requires a greater focus on reusability and recyclability when designing packaging.
Designing packaging to conserve resources
Bio-Zentrale has been using the initial results to further improve the recyclability of its packaging. Mauss: “When we start to develop a new product, we already look at ways in which we can improve the mechanical recycling of the used packaging.” The company’s efforts have already been rewarded: in February 2019, Bio-Zentrale was the first recipient of ‘Made for Recycling’ quality seal. The quality seal is awarded to packaging that offers very good recyclability. Specifically, this means that the packaging can be identified and disposed of easily by the consumer, sorted by machine and then mechanically recycled.

Head of "Made for Recycling"