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Correct waste separation – a winner for climate protection

The ‘Waste Separation Works’ initiative raises awareness while encouraging consumers to participate.

Consumers in Germany have been separating their waste for more than 30 years and so making an important contribution to climate protection. A recent study conducted by the Oeko-Institut shows that dual systems reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions by around 1.95 million tonnes a year thanks to the collection, sorting and recycling of post-consumer packaging.

Joint campaign by the dual systems

The Packaging Act has made household waste separation a legal obligation in Germany. Even so, around 30% of the waste thrown into yellow bins or yellow bags is disposed of incorrectly and makes recycling these valuable raw materials more difficult. The dual systems have joined forces to change this with their ‘Waste Separation Works’ initiative. The Interzero Recycling Alliance is also very active here and fully committed to this common cause.

To the initiative

Better waste separation = more recycling

Together, we are raising public awareness among end consumers, helping them understand the reasons for separation before collection and encouraging them to take part. Typically, people need to grasp the key role they play in successful packaging recycling before they really make an effort. The aim is to reduce miss-sorting, improve the quality of household collections and increase the quantity of packaging thrown into yellow bags or yellow bins.

With a presence in supermarkets, day-to-day activities and waste disposal, the ‘Waste Separation Works’ initiative is making use of a multifaceted PR strategy and partnerships along the packaging value chain. As dual systems, this also helps us to fulfil our duty to provide advice and information while contributing with consumers to a climate-friendly circular economy.

Learn more about the dual systems and their tasks here

Proper separation – perfectly easy!

Our nationwide public awareness campaign helps consumers to hone their waste separation skills. Short, pithy phrases keep the most important things in mind: “Packaging that isn’t glass or paper – in the yellow bin for sorting later” or “Off with the lid – both in the yellow bag”.

On our website at www.mü, we provide engaging guides to separating lightweight packaging, glass and paper, with plenty of background information besides. Last but not least, we also use social media and TV/radio spots to reach and inform consumers.

The early bird… Environmental education in schools

Environmental education is a key part of the ‘Waste Separation Works’ initiative. Our tailor-made educational packages offer schools an easy and fun way to introduce their pupils to the big ideas behind waste and recycling. Our primary schools starter package includes a factsheet for teachers as well as an engaging set of worksheets and quizzes about correct waste separation.

Material for teachers

New educational offer for preschools: The "TRENN-BÄR" teaches proper waste separation

With the TRENN-BÄR Box, "Mülltrennung wirkt" is expanding its educational offer for preschools. The box contains a hand puppet with which the TRENN-BÄR can be brought to life by the educational staff, as well as child-friendly working materials for a ten-day curriculum that teaches proper waste separation through playful activities and exciting stories.

As an ideal companion for children to discover the world of waste separation in a playful and enthusiastic way, the TRENN-BÄR will also appear in full size at events - in the form of the bear costume. The costume can be rented via the website of "Mülltrennung wirkt". The TRENN-BÄR, as a cheerful comic character, is present on the initiative's website.

Discover TRENN-BÄR

Become an initiative partner

Sustainable handling of waste is an important task for society as a whole and will have a major impact on the quality of life for future generations. Take responsibility and sign your company up as a partner to the ‘Waste Separation Works’ initiative!

Become a partner

Want to know more about the ‘Waste Separation Works’ initiative and the partnership programmes we offer? Contact us for details!
Stephanie Gundlach
Stephanie Gundlach

Product manager

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Dual system with added value

Interzero Recycling Alliance: The entry ticket for the entire raw materials loop