Innovative solutions for a world without waste
To close loops on a sustainable basis, we develop new recycling concepts and use the opportunities presented by digitalisation.
Thinking ahead, acting more sustainably: as an environmental service provider, we consistently explore new ways to organise the supply of raw materials in loops, to reduce emissions which pose a threat to the climate, and to improve our customers’ sustainability balance. In this context, the digitalisation of processes and services plays a key role: the intelligent networking of data and systems provides us with the opportunity to further optimise the use of valuable resources – and to make waste management even easier for our customers.
Online platforms – customer service at its best
One example is our Lizenzero online shop: companies of all size are able to license their packaging easily in just a few clicks. With platforms such as, ReUseMe and Sammeldrache, we also provide convenient and safe ways for the prevention and reuse of waste. We view the provision of information and education to be just as important as offering our customers practical support and helping to reduce their workload: the online container service from Ecoservice24, for instance, provides the possibility to dispose of all kinds of waste in an environmentally friendly way – on a rapid, convenient and inexpensive basis. You can find all our online shops here.

Innovative plant technology: investment in the future
Technical innovations are among the most important tools for closing loops and providing high-quality recycling raw materials for industry. Interzero invests in the further development of its recycling systems and processes on a continuous basis. The sorting of household waste from the yellow bag / the yellow bin is already benefiting from the use of artificial intelligence and sensor technology, for example. At our sorting plant for lightweight packaging in Leipzig, for instance, the deep learning system “GAIN” removes silicone cartridges from the packaging waste stream with high precision. In cooperation with the oil, gas and chemical company OMV in Walldürn, we are drawing up plans for an innovative sorting plant for the chemical recycling of mixed plastics. And last but not least, Interzero invests heavily in research and development. With its centre of competence for plastics recycling, we operate the only research institution recognised in the EU to specialise on the development and analysis of recycled plastics.