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Sustainability Workbook "How to Zero Waste": Interzero shows directions to a World without Waste.

+++ Challenges, prerequisites, and opportunities for reusable solutions

+++ High-quality products from post-consumer waste from Yellow Bins

+++ New approaches to establish a functioning circular economy

Berlin/Cologne. Interzero has published its first sustainability workbook, which shows ways in which the vision of "a world without waste" can become reality. In the compact workbook, Interzero provides answers for those responsible in companies and institutions.


Under the leadership of shareholder and chairman Dr Axel Schweitzer, Interzero, the corporate group for recycling solutions and plastics recycling is being formed as a result of its imminent departure from the ALBA Group. Interzero has a clear and far-reaching vision: A world without waste. The question of central importance – asked by many people – is, how to do so.


The workbook answers this question with exciting success stories from well-known Interzero clients, interviews, several interesting suggestions as well as checklists with which you can become active yourself. 

Interzero wants to take its clients and interested parties on a journey with the workbook: "We want to show them ways to assess their own situation and give them "do-it-yourself" instructions, while helping them avoid unpleasant surprises due to violations of German Packaging Act, for example," explains Sybilla Merian, Sustainability Manager at Interzero.  

For example, the workbook shows how Burger King® offers reusable alternatives for beverage cups. Dr. Meike Gebhard, Managing Director of Utopia, the information platform for sustainability, and Daniel Polte, Manager Public Relations for Burger King®Germany, discuss what can be expected from reusable systems for tableware today and what the success factors are. 

It also shows how ALDI benefits from its membership in the open dual system Interseroh+ by having access to the raw materials obtained.  

An amendment to the German Packaging Act (VerpackG) will become effective July 2022, and will pose new challenges, especially for numerous smaller e-commerce companies: for example, marketplace operators must check whether retailers active in Germany have licensed their packaging. There is a clearly structured decision tree in the workbook for this purpose.


Myths relating to the topic of packaging are also debunked. Questions such as whether paper is always the more sustainable alternative to plastic or whether it is true that black packaging materials cannot be recycled are examined. - The answer here, as so often, is that it depends. The workbook clearly succinctly explains on what.


In the words of Sybilla Merian: "The most important thing for us is providing food for thought. With the workbook, we are offering something that is still compact enough for use in everyday work. Although we may not be able to provide complete and highly detailed information in the 40 pages, we can activate people. There are contact persons for all topics at Interzero, and they are very happy to provide assistance.”   

The workbook "How to Zero Waste" can be downloaded for free here.


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  • Press releases
  • Interzero

About Interzero:

Interzero is one of the leading service providers in the field of closing product, material and logistics loops as well as innovation leader in plastics recycling with the largest sorting capacity in Europe. Under the guiding principle of “zero waste solutions”, the company supports over 50,000 customers throughout Europe in the responsible handling of recyclable materials, thus helping them to improve their own sustainability performance and conserve primary resources.

With about 2,000 employees, the company achieves a turnover of over one billion euros (2021). According to Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Interzero’s recycling activities could save one million tonnes of greenhouse gases compared to primary production and more than 8.7 million tonnes of primary raw materials in 2022 alone. As a pioneer in the circular economy, Interzero is winner of the German Sustainability Award as well as the related special award in the “Resources” transformation field for 2024.

Further information can be found at



The online magazine on recycling and the circular economy