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Markus Müller-Drexel, Managing Director of INTERSEROH Dienstleistungs GmbH (on the left) and Winfried Batzke, Managing Director of Deutsche Verpackungsinstitut e.V. (dvi) at their first joint symposium „Future Resources 2017 – Packaging is raw material“ © ALBA Group

Future Resources 2017: Successful start under the theme “Packaging is raw material”

dvi and Interseroh symposium +++ Discussion on the topic of the recycling capabilities of packaging +++ Experts agree: “More focus must be placed on eco-design”

Cologne/Frankfurt. Environmental service provider Interseroh and the Deutsches Verpackungsinstitut e.V. (German Packaging Institute, dvi) held their first joint symposium “Future Resources 2017” in Frankfurt am Main yesterday. 100 participants from retail, the production industry and the recycling industry engaged in an intensive discussion on the topic of the recycling capability of packaging.

“It was time to arrange constructive dialogue between the participants of the packaging value chain,” says Markus Müller-Drexel, Managing Director of INTERSEROH Dienstleistungs GmbH. “We all agree that more focus in packaging production must be placed on eco-design. The recycling quotas demanded can be achieved only if we address this topic together as well and use packaging efficiently as a resource.”

“We are pleased that our first joint symposium with Interseroh was so well received in the industry. This gives us confidence that the packaging industry will continue to vindicate its role as a pioneer of the circular economy”, says Winfried Batzke, Managing Director of the dvi. “We hope that having now begun this dialogue, we can continue it productively in the next few years.”

As part of the event “Future Resources 2017 – Packaging is raw material”, dvi and Interseroh had extended the invitation to discuss the necessity for the optimal economical and ecological use of packaging in closed cycles together with renowned speakers including Gunda Rachut (Director of the Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister), Peter Heydasch (materials expert at Dow Europe GmbH) and Stefan Dierks (Head of CR Product & Strategy Tchibo GmbH). You can find more information about the event at

About the Deutsche Verpackungsinstitut e.V. (dvi)

The Deutsche Verpackungsinstitut e.V. (dvi) ist he only network of the German packaging industry, which unites companies of all stages of the value chain as members. The dvi supports the transfer of know-how and promotes the dialogue between its more than 230 member companies, institutions and parnters. It is a platform for information, insights, inspiration and exchange in the field of packaging.

You can find more information about dvi at

  • Press releases
  • Interzero

About Interzero:

Interzero is one of the leading service providers in the field of closing product, material and logistics loops as well as innovation leader in plastics recycling with the largest sorting capacity in Europe. Under the guiding principle of “zero waste solutions”, the company supports over 50,000 customers throughout Europe in the responsible handling of recyclable materials, thus helping them to improve their own sustainability performance and conserve primary resources.

With about 2,000 employees, the company achieves a turnover of over one billion euros (2021). According to Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Interzero’s recycling activities could save one million tonnes of greenhouse gases compared to primary production and more than 8.7 million tonnes of primary raw materials in 2022 alone. As a pioneer in the circular economy, Interzero is winner of the German Sustainability Award as well as the related special award in the “Resources” transformation field for 2024.

Further information can be found at



The online magazine on recycling and the circular economy