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Complaints Ombudsman (Section 8, LkSG (German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act))

Interzero Holding GmbH & Co.KG (Interzero) in the capacity of holding company within the meaning of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) has appointed Compliance Officer Services Legal, Stephan Rheinwald, lawyer, as the (outsourced) Complaints Ombudsman within the meaning of Section 8, LkSG for all its companies that have been placed under obligation in accordance with LkSG.

The Complaints Ombudsman accepts complaints about violations of safeguarding human rights and environment-related due diligence obligations by Interzero companies or suppliers of Interzero companies. Detailed information is processed in accordance with the “Interzero Rules of procedure on processing complaints about violations of human rights and environment-related due diligence obligations”. The Complaints Ombudsman can be contacted by employees, customers, business partners and suppliers of Interzero companies. Complaints can be submitted personally and by telephone in German and English. Details can be submitted in text form in all languages.

You can reach the Complaints Ombudsman via the following contact details:

Compliance Officer Services Legal

Stephan Rheinwald, Lawyer

Telemannstraße 22

53173 Bonn, Germany

Tel.: +49 228 3503629-1

Fax: +49 228 3503629-2



Complaints Ombudsman
Rules of procedure on processing complaints about violations of human rights and environ-ment-related due diligence obligations

The Complaints Ombudsman accepts complaints about violations of safeguarding human rights and environment-related due diligence obligations by Interzero companies or suppliers of Interzero companies.